Sharing with
your Child

For over 23 years, Carmen has been working in the Fertility environment. When you finally have your own family you feel that you are living a dream, after having gone through so many challenges.
Now, comes the new challenge of sharing. This is where she can support you. Helping you to overcome your fears and find a comfortable and loving way to share how your family was formed.
Carmen is a therapist and autor of children’s books that help you to tell your own children how your family was conceived.
Egg donation, sperm donation, two dads, two mums, single mum by choice, embryo donation & adoption.
“ I just wanted to say thank you! I am a nanny to beautiful 6-year-old twin boys born to their dads via surrogate. As they have gotten old enough to ask questions about where babies come from and where THEY came from, we found your book Twin Kangaroo Treasure Hunt. Their faces lit up as they read a story that mirrored so perfectly their own origin story! They loved it and it sparked lots of good questions. Now when friends ask why they have two dads, or why they don’t have a mom, they are proud to share all about it! And their dads feel much more confident answering questions because YOU gave them the perfect, kid-friendly language. Your book has touched this sweet family. Thank you for writing it!
Erica B.